Located in some gangsta paradise of Brooklyn, myself and my friend run a hostel. With 12 and soon to be 14 beds, we are usually at (or above) capacity. Over the past 8 months this has added up in excess of 500 people, all with unique skills, professions, and desires.

At this point your reaction will depend greatly on you, the reader. To the homebody, the term hostel conjures images of a dirty place, filled with sketchy characters. Maybe even flashbacks to those poorly made Eli Roth movies. But for the traveler, the corners of your mouth are raised and your remembering some of the best times of your life.

So back to our ‘hood, an area which in the past was unnavigable for a white kid. These days, things are still lively. Between paying off the local thug for protection, the deli downstairs that pushes more out the door than chips and beer (if ya catch my drift), to striking deals with the local laundry and car service people, the learning curve is steep.

However, for me, nothing in my life has been as much fun or more rewarding. Think about it, every night, 10-15 people, mostly aged between 18-30 (we usually cap it at 30) from all over the world. On vacation, removed from any worries or inhibitions of their home town or country, they are ready to party. And my roommate and I, never ones to refuse a drink, happily oblige.

It doesn’t take much of an imagination to realize with so many people, in that age group, partying as they should while on vacation, events happen. Interesting, bizarre, hysterical, and  often unbelievable events.

Though each night is unique, there is one constant, myself. While I may not be able to put you in my shoes, I can relay the images I have seen. So, until you come for a visit yourself, I will do my best to bring a selection of these stories here, to the Internet, for everyone to enjoy.

In addition, if you have a ‘hostel tale’ of your own that you would like to share, we would love to hear from you. Contact us through our message page, and you could see your story up as a guest post!